What should we do with the Exterior?

A month with nothing to report

I know, I know...

It's been a month and i haven't made a single post. Truth is I couldn't bring myself to make a post because absolutely nothing tangible has been accomplished. We've been busy working on the plans for our garage addition as well as the interior remodel. We've been back and forth, and back again. Sometimes it seems like we're just spinning our wheels, but each time we go back around we come up with a better plan.

We are getting very close to having finalized plans. I think that the garage addition will be completely finished and ready for permit approval this week. Hopefully we'll be able to say the same about the interior by the end of this week.

I've been thinking about what i could write about - and I thought i'd throw it out there to anyone reading the blog. Here's what I'd like to do:

  • - Ask me a question you're wondering about our project.
  • - I'll respond as thoroughly as i can to your question and elaborate on it when appropriate.
Let's see how it goes!

Looking forward to your questions...



At October 28, 2007 at 8:40 PM Nathan said...

Questions: What are you planning to do with the exterior? Are you going to strip or paint the brick? Have you been thinking about colors? Are you going to replace the missing turret?

How's that?


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