What should we do with the Exterior?

Boy Toys!!!

When faced with a monstrous project of this proportion, I feel it would be any man's response to do the following:

  1. Stand, somewhat perplexed, gawking at the thing for hours.
  2. Call the neighbors over, and stand in front of the project perplexed
  3. Grab a beer, hoping that it will make things less perplexing
  4. When all else fails, go to the hardware store and spend money on tools!!!
I haven't had a chance to do the first 3 - b/c we don't own the house yet - but I am planning on doing the last one soon (in fact, it has already begun). As I mentioned in an earlier post, I went to 7 Corners Hardware a couple weeks ago and got a few birthday presents! Here they are:

TILE SAW! The MK370EXP 1.25HP wet tile saw:

This is just the best tile saw we could find for the money. It really is going to save me a TON of time. I considered just renting one, but with me doing all the tile work in the house, I figured this would more than pay for itself - plus it's not used and destroyed by other people and I have it whenever i want it!


I mean, I'll probably save 1/2 a year with this baby when I'm building the fence and deck. Might also help out with a couple framing chores in the house as well.

But even more than time saved, doesn't this thing just look TOUGH?! I feel like I'm shooting nails with the green goblin or something. Don't mess with the man with the nail gun!!!

7 Corners is having a HUGE SALE coming up soon. Several of the guys from the Wiens clan are going together to check it out (and write out some checks I would imagine!). It's quite the deal, so if you live in the Twin Cities and love tools, don't miss the sale! I'll probably be there maxing out my credit cards, so feel free to say hi :).


At September 10, 2007 at 5:51 PM Unknown said...

I'm leading the troop with comments!

I think the boy toy idea is perhaps a bit much. Instead, you should go look for granite. Lots of granite. And then maybe some decoratives.

While you're at it maybe it's a good idea to look at some spas for your wife to relax at while you're working at the house???


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